Exciting things happen in the summer when students visit America through our Short Term Programs!

Over 170 French, German and Italian students were welcomed into families across the United States for a three- or four-week visit. This 24/7 immersion experience provided visiting students a chance to improve their English and see what life is really like in a typical American family. Some students opted for English lessons in a home school environment while other chose a small class setting for intensive English lessons and activities. Thank you to all families who opened their homes to these visiting students.
We welcomed over 30 Chinese students to St. Paul, Minnesota for intensive classes at two different schools. Hill-Murray School offered credit and enrichment courses while St. Croix Lutheran Academy offered intensive English lessons accompanied by daily activities and excursions. A big thank you goes to our partner schools for creating interesting and engaging programming.
Coming up in January, we’ll welcome over 50 Argentinean students for a five-week high school shadowing experience while living with a host family. We’ve enjoyed the previous three years of visits by this special group of students from Buenos Aires. Our host families also enjoy the natural warmth of these South American students.
Email Chrysanne to learn more about our short term program!