US Students Getting Ready for Germany

The 25 recent high school graduates from across the country who were chosen to participate in the 2019-20 Congress-Bundestag Vocational Youth Exchange met in Washington, D.C., June 27-29, 2019, for their Pre-Departure Orientation immediately prior to leaving for Germany. The students participated in several cross-cultural sessions designed to help prepare them for their exciting gap year abroad.
Highlights of the orientation included a meeting at the United States Department of State, where the group was addressed by Susan Crystal, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs. The students also participated in an interesting diplomacy simulation.
A visit to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany provided the students with some insights on the bilateral relationship between Germany and the U.S., delivered by Mrs. Ursine Krumpholz, First Secretary at the Embassy Economics Department. The time in D.C. was topped off by a tour of the U.S. Capitol Building. These exceptional youth ambassadors departed together for Germany with their Open Door International CBYX program coordinator and alumnus mentor at the wrap-up of the orientation. They will stay in Bonn for two months attending a school designed to hone their German language skills.
For more information about the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Vocational Scholarship Program, or about how to apply for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, check out our website or email [email protected].