
Macedonian culture is unique in that it is influenced by both Western and Eastern characteristics. Although modern in technology and newer infrastructure, Macedonia is still a fairly traditional, reserved society. Communication in Macedonia tends to be more formal. Your student will likely remain more quiet and proper until you have developed a relationship with one another. Once your student feels comfortable with your family, he/she will likely relax and open up more.

Macedonians tend to be non-confrontational with people they are not familiar with. When your student first arrives, he/she might be more concerned with avoiding a negative response than giving direct answers and opinions. People in Macedonia also avoid speaking forcefully or too loudly, as it can be perceived in their culture as overcompensation for having nothing of value or importance to say. If you have a naturally louder voice or stronger tone, you might want to take note that your student might be uncomfortable or might misunderstand you at first.

Because the bus system in Macedonia is extensive and convenient, it might take some time for your student to get used to the concept of planning and communicating the need for a ride.

Fun Fact: Mother Theresa was born in Skopje, Macedonia.






Macedonian, Albanian


About 25,713




Warm, dry summers and autumns; relatively cold winters with heavy snowfall