Letter from Nacel Open Door, Inc. Regarding COVID-19

March 20, 2020


Dear Host Family,

Thank you so much for your ongoing care and support of your international student. We know that these are times of uncertainty and stress for all of us. We also understand that there are additional stresses in caring for someone else’s child in the midst of so much uncertainty. Please know how much we appreciate this, and how much it is also appreciated by the natural parents and partners across the world.  

As previously stated,  we are committed to working with each situation individually. Our commitment to this has not changed. We work with students and host families in dozens of states, and students and families from dozens of countries.  We realize that each situation is unique. We have been communicating regularly with our partners across the world, and have encouraged them to discuss options with the natural parents. And, we have asked that natural parents reach out to their own child and discuss their situation as well. There is no easy “one size fits all” answer. We have heard that many parents feel their child is safer staying here and not traveling at this time. We have also heard that others want to bring them home as quickly as possible, and are trying to arrange for travel at a time when airlines have significantly reduced the availability of flights. Many parents have also expressed concern about whether or not their child will receive credit for the schooling they completed while on program, should they choose to have them return early. And, of course with schools either closed  or focusing efforts on their own distance learning or other planning, this is an answer we cannot necessarily give them. All we can do is wait with the rest of you and provide updated information as soon as it comes in.

We encourage you to keep in close contact with your local representative. If you have information about your specific school, we would greatly appreciate hearing this so we can update our partners accordingly. And, if at any time you feel that you can no longer host, we want to know this as well. We would ask your patience if you choose to discontinue hosting, as international flights are difficult to find at this time. But, you have a voice in this, and we will be working over the course of the next weeks to make sure everyone is heard and communications continue to flow between the many facets of this worldwide network. We also want to remind you that we have Advisors on call that are available to assist if you or your student are in need of support. 

Once again, we appreciate all you are doing at this time of great uncertainty. Our hope is that we can continue to communicate and assist everyone with arranging the best scenario given their situation. 

With our greatest wishes for good health and happiness,

Rae Lenway, 

President, Nacel Open Door